Thanks be to God! Beginning in July, 2023, we have begun with the construction of our new Church. We are now came toward the end of the first phase of the construction, which is the core and shell. The last phase of the construction will be the completion of it, which entails interior buildout, furnishing and landscaping of our new Church.
Many people have asked "are we going to take down the current Church...?" the answer is NO. We will turn it into a multipurpose building--Hall, and perhaps, a place for our ORE/CCD/Religious Education...
Thank you so much for your generosity and afford! Because of your generosity, we've got this far; though, we still need your support and generosity, in order for the new Church to reach its completion. You may make your generous donation by coming into our parish office or talk to the priests or giving online using our website Moreover, we also reconstructed many different buildings around the parish—including the restrooms in school, some classrooms have be renovated, a new library for our school students, the Evangelization, new roofs for our school, Hall, corridor (from the Hall to the church), rectory and the roof of our old church would be next. The new roofs are funded by the ADLA through the Call to Renew. Thank you!
Below is the link to the photos of the progress, as well the photos of the stained glass windows...
Stained glass windows